Transportation Improvement Program

The Transportation Improvement Program represents the county's transportation priorities for a six-year time period and identifies road, bridge, bicycle and pedestrian improvements throughout the community. Clark County updates the Transportation Improvement Program every year.

2025-2030 Transportation Improvement Program (PDF)

Photo of nearly completed Northeast 119th Street, east of Northeast 72nd Avenue.

Northeast 119th Street can carry more traffic after it was widened to five lanes east of Northeast 72nd Avenue in 2014-2016.

Council Work Session to discuss the 2025-2030 TIP


A school bus uses an upgraded section of Northeast 119th Street.

Limited resources, combined with increasing transportation demands, make the six-year program essential to achieve the goals and objectives of the county Comprehensive Growth Management Plan.

The documents listed below are all PDFs.

Additional information

Legal requirements

Washington law and administrative code (RCW 36.81.121 and WAC 136-15-050) require the preparation and annual updating of a six-year comprehensive transportation program.

The Board of County Councilors adopts the Transportation Improvement Program each year. The document includes all scheduled road, bridge and other transportation projects for the following six-year period.

Early work on Northeast 10th Avenue bridge construction and roadway improvements, July 2017.

Early work on Northeast 10th Avenue bridge construction and roadway improvements, July 2017.