Heritage Farm Sustainability Plan

Heritage Farm Sustainability Plan


The primary purpose of this plan is to ensure the long-term use of the 78th Street Heritage Farm property consistent with the historic uses of agricultural production and research. This plan also seeks to outline future expansion of public use in keeping with the adopted Heritage Farm Master Plan in a financially sustainable manner. Thereby introducing more members of the community to the wonderful programs available at the farm.

Plan Update:

While approving the 78th Street Heritage Farm Master Plan update in 2020, council directed Parks and Lands to develop a plan outlining how the division will implement the master plan while improving financial sustainability and public access. Parks and Lands is currently seeking adoption of the plan by Clark County Council. The adoption process is expected to be complete in the spring of 2024.


PW Heritage Farm

Sustainability Plan

Parks and Lands planning developed a sustainability plan to improve financial sustainability of the farm and increase opportunities for public access. Plan development included participation of a steering committee to help guide the process, implementation of a public engagement plan, and evaluation of an economic analysis of alternative approaches. The final sustainability plan was approved by council on June 18, 2024.

Project Background

In 2010, the Clark County Council approved a master plan for the 78th Street Heritage Farm. The plan identifies agricultural use as the primary focus of the site. The farm also includes spaces for agricultural demonstrations and research, recreation, community events and administrative activities.

In 2020, the council approved an update to the 78th Street Heritage Farm Master Plan. The update accounts for several site changes that have been made since the initial master plan was approved. The update includes the same programmatic elements as the initial master plan. With the update’s adoption, the council directed staff to develop a business plan to outline how the Parks and Lands division of Public Works will implement the master plan while improving financial sustainability and  public access of the facility. The approved sustainability plan completes this process.

Public Comments

Public comments were compiled and provided to the steering committee and included in the approved sustainability plan.

Steering Committee

Organization Member Name / Position Project Role
Clark County Matthew Baum, Operations Supervisor Department representation
Clark County Park Advisory Board Theresa Meyer, board member Park development input
Washington State University Clark County Extension Kristine Perry, Extension Manager Extension/university representation 
Farm Advisory Team Rob Freed, member Farm partner representation
Cowlitz Tribe   Adjacent property owner, community representation
Northeast Hazel Dell Neighborhood Association Bill Cline, president Neighborhood representation
Clark Conservation District Zorah Oppenheimer, district manager Agriculture representation and natural resources expertise 
Hazel Dell Salmon Creek Business Association Ila Westergard Stanek, association member Local business representation
Vancouver School District Mark Wreath, Career and Tech Education director Educational services representation
League of United Latin American Citizens of Southwest Washington Michelle Vasquez-Stickley Community representation
NAACP, Vancouver Tanika Siscoe, member Community representation
Visit Vancouver WA   Tourism industry representation

Dates are approximate; more information will be posted as it becomes available

  • Fall 2022: Convene steering committee and conduct community survey.
  • Winter 2022: Host community open house
  • Spring 2023: Develop alternatives
  • Summer - Fall 2023: Draft plan
  • Winter 2023: Steering committee reviews plan and presents plan at public open house
  • June 18, 2024: Council approved the 78th Street Heritage Farm Sustainability Plan



Date Agenda/Minutes Notes/Related Documents Audio/Video

Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Heritage Farm Sustainability Plan open house! On Jan. 24, Parks and Lands planning staff presented the draft sustainability plan. A comment period was open through Feb. 23, 2024. 



This meeting was held at Public Works 78th Street Operations Center and online via Microsoft Teams.



This workshop was held in person at the Luke Jensen Sports Park and a portion was available online via Microsoft Teams. The audio recording of the online portion of the meeting is provided. 



This was a committee lead discussion in preparation for the committee meeting on 3/13/2023. The meeting public was permitted to attend in person at the Luke Jensen Sports Park. Audio for the meeting was not recorded.



The meeting was held at Luke Jensen Sports Park and online via Microsoft Teams.





The Open House was held in-person at the Luke Jensen Sports Park and on-line via Microsoft Teams.


The meeting was held in-person at the Heritage Farm Administration Building and online via Microsoft Team.


The meeting was held in-person at the Heritage Farm Administration Building and online via WebEx. The recording cannot be posted due to technical issues. 

More Information
Contact Lynde Wallick with questions or to receive project updates via email.

Lynde Wallick, park planner

David Stipe
Planning & Development Manager
Parks & Lands Division

1919 NE 78th Street
Vancouver, WA 98665