Average permit processing times

Take a look at the average permit processing times for many different permit types. Data is shown for a rolling 12-month period. 

Learning Lab

Curious about how to get a building permit? Wondering how to find out property information online? Not sure about the code enforcement process? These topics and more are featured in Community Development’s Learning Lab. Learn more

Rural Event Center Task Force

At the Council's direction, the director of Community Development is leading a task force created to explore possible code revisions in unincorporated Clark County. Learn more.

In-person services

The Permit Center is open for in-person services by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, email permitservicesappt@clark.wa.gov.

Community Development staff are available by phone and email. We encourage you to use our online services.

Contact us

For a more timely and accurate response, provide detailed information such as the permit/case/license number, address, and/or parcel number.

Community Development
564.397.2375 commdev@clark.wa.gov

Animal Protection and Control 
Concerns 564.397.2488, Licensing 564.397.2489 

Building Safety
564.397.4912 building@clark.wa.gov

Code Enforcement
564.397.2408 codenfor@clark.wa.gov

Development Engineering
564.397.4559 devengineer@clark.wa.gov

Fire Marshal's Office
564.397.2186 firemar@clark.wa.gov

Land Use Review 

Permit Center
564.397.4078 permitservices@clark.wa.gov 

Wetland/Habitat Review
564.397.5855 wetlandhabitatreview@clark.wa.gov

April Furth, Community Development director

April Furth


Love your pet? License it!


You can license your pet online!

Permit application submittal guidelines

Ensure that you have the latest information and guidelines prior to applying for a permit by visiting our permit applications submittal guidelines page.

ePlan Review

Saving trees and parking fees! Learn more...