More than 30 volunteer advisory committees and boards help shape Clark County's future. From vegetation management to planning and development, these groups advise county departments and the Clark County Council on a host of issues.
If you're interested in serving on a committee or board, see "How to Apply" to the right.
Meeting times are subject to change. Contact staff for information.
Advisory board and commission members are appointed by the County Council or County Manager.
Accessible Community Advisory Committee
The ACAC advises policy makers on the needs of persons with disabilities both in general and in emergency planning. The committee was established by the County Council in July 2024.
Contact: County Manager's Office, 564.397.2232
Animal Protection and Control Advisory Board
Under Section 8.01.030 of the Clark County Code, the Clark County Council has established an Animal Protection and Control Advisory Board
Arts Commission
The primary purpose of the Arts Commission is to promote and support the arts in Clark County. The 11-member commission will work to promote awareness of the arts, expand accessibility to art in public places, and support collaboration among arts patrons, artists, the business community, service groups and cultural organizations. It also will support local artists and arts groups in their efforts to secure grants and other financing, and celebrate the creative talents and diverse skills of Clark County residents.
Members: 11
Meetings: 5:30 pm on first Tuesday of each month or subsequent Tuesday if meeting falls on a holiday
Agenda and meeting minutes:
Contact: Steve Oglesby, chair; Michele Hanlon, vice-chair; Yvonne Yeh Gee, secretary
Clark Communities Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
The role of the committee is to advise the county and participating city and state government staff on matters involving bicycle and pedestrian transportation.
City/County Telecommunications Commission
The commission advises the Board of County Councilors and Vancouver City Council on matters related to cable television franchising. The commission establishes rules and regulations for cable television franchises and monitors compliance with franchise agreements.
Members: 8; 4 of whom are appointed by the county
Meetings: 7 pm quarterly on Wednesday, Vancouver City Council chambers, 415 W. 6th Street
Contact: Clark Vancouver Television Office, 360.487.8702
Clean Water Commission
The Clean Water Commission is a nine-member board serving in an advisory role to the County Council on issues related to the Clean Water Division. The Clean Water Commission works with staff to review the program budget in detail, implement stormwater treatment improvements, bolster water quality monitoring, and enhance public education and outreach.
Commission on Aging
The purpose of the Commission on Aging is to provide leadership in managing and implementing Clark County's Aging Readiness Plan.
Community Action Advisory Board
The Community Action Advisory Board is comprised of nine members representing a cross section of the community. Board membership includes low-income citizens, elected public officials and the private sector.
Developmental Disabilities Advisory Board
The Developmental Disabilities Advisory Board advises and make recommendations to the Board of County Councilors related to developmental disabilities issues and services. The disabilities board provides community leadership on improvement of efficiency and effectiveness of community developmental disabilities programs.
Development and Engineering Advisory Board
Board meetings typically are held at 2 pm on the first Thursday of each month in the sixth-floor training room of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street.
The Clark County Council formed the Development and Engineering Advisory Board to review policy and code changes and work with Community Development and Public Works on process improvements and fee issues.
Ethics Review Commission
The Ethics Review Commission is the result of a voter-approved amendment to the county charter. It was approved by voters in November 2021 and the commission was established in 2022.
The commission consists of three members who will serve alternating three-year terms. For the initial terms, Commissioner 1 will serve a one-year term, Commissioner 2 will serve a two-year term and Commissioner 3 will serve a three-year term. Thereafter, each selected commissioner will serve three-year terms.
The commission is responsible for hearing, investigating, and ruling on complaints of violations of the code of ethics in Clark County Code 2.07.01, Code of Ethical Conduct and applies to elected officials, appointed committee or advisory board members, and county employees.
Historic Preservation Commission
The Historic Preservation Commission initiates and maintains the Clark County Historic Register and reviews proposed design changes to registered properties.
Historical Promotions Grant
Each year, the County Council awards grants to encourage historic preservation and programs, including the preservation of historic documents.
Noxious Weed Control Board
The five-member Noxious Weed Board serves in an advisory capacity for the County Council on issues related to controlling noxious weeds in the county.
Parks Advisory Board
The seven-member Parks Advisory Board makes recommendations to the County Council on issues such as acquisition, planning and development of county parks.
Planning Commission
Please see the hearings and meetings notes webpage for information on upcoming and past Planning Commission meetings.
Public Health Advisory Council
The Public Health Advisory Council advises the Board of Health on:
- Improving the health of Clark County residents.
- Promoting public participation in and identification of public health needs.
- Providing communication between the Board of Health and Clark County residents.
Railroad Advisory Board
The Clark County Railroad Advisory Board studies ways to improve the economic stability of the county's Chelatchie Prairie Railroad and explores recreational opportunities and other uses of the rail line. The 33-mile short line stretches diagonally across the county.
Solid Waste Advisory Commission
The Clark County Solid Waste Advisory Commission is a nine-member panel appointed by the County Council to represent a broad spectrum of the community.
The commission meets at 6 pm on the first Thursday of February, May, August and November at the Center for Community Health, 1601 E Fourth Plain Blvd. Room 210B&C.
SWAC advises the council on solid waste matters.
Urban County Policy Board
(formerly CDBG Advisory Board)
The Urban County Policy Board (UCPB) selects projects to be funded by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and the Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) programs based on a numeric scoring system. The UCPB consists of the mayors, or their appointed designees, from all cities and towns in the county except Vancouver and is chaired by a county councilor.
Veterans Advisory Board
The Veterans Advisory Board oversees the Clark County Veteran's Assistance Fund, which provides emergency relief to qualified veterans. The board consists of nationally recognized veterans organizations in Clark County and veterans from the community. The majority of members must be representatives of service organizations, but veterans may join as members at large, if approved by the board. Service organizations and members at large must renew their letter of intent each October.
Other volunteer or county-related boards and commissions
Meeting times are subject to change. Contact staff for information.
Assessor Farm Advisory Committee
Advises the Assessor on implementing guidelines for assessment of open space, farm, agricultural and timber land classified under chapter 84.34 RCW.
- Members: 5 members representing the county's farm community. Terms are for one year. Recommended by the Assessor and appointed by the County Council.
- Meetings: Annual
- Contact: The Assessor's Office, 564.397.4628
Board of Equalization
The Board of Equalization is an independent body organized to process and hear appeals of various determinations made by the Assessor's Office.
- Members: 3; up to 4 alternates
- Meetings: 9-11:30 a.m. every other Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday via Webex
- Contact: 564.397.2337,
Building, Residential and Plumbing Board of Appeals
This board hears appeals of decisions by the county Building Division regarding the International Building Code and Residential Code.
- Members: 7
- Meetings: As needed
- Contact: Community Development, 564.397.2470
Civil Service Commission
Civil Service is charged with recruiting, testing, hiring and promoting of all Sheriff's Office employees under Chapter 41.14 RCW.
The County Council appoints citizens to serve on the Civil Service Commission. Terms are voluntary and for six years. Commissioners cannot hold any salaried public office or engage in county employment, other than the commission duties, during their term. Commissioner terms do not run consecutively. Only three commissioners can be of the same political party.
Contact: Human Resources, 564.397.2456
Ending Community Homelessness Organization (ECHO)
The Ending Community Homelessness Organization (ECHO) consists of leaders from Clark County, its cities, and other key Clark County community stakeholders. The ECHO exists as a forum to consider homelessness comprehensively and holistically with the goal of identifying possible gaps and opportunities for further coordination and investment.
- Members: 9
- Meetings: Second Tuesday of every month from 9:30-11 am
- Contact: County Council Office, 564.397.2232
Fairground Site Management Group
The Fairgrounds Site Management Group manages, operates and markets the Clark County Fairgrounds Facilities. The group consists of five directors. Two directors are appointed by the Clark County Fair Association and three directors are appointed by Clark County. One county appointee shall be a senior county staff member who shall act as chairman and vote only in the event of a tie.
Fire Code Board of Appeals
Determines suitability of alternate materials and types of construction to provide for reasonable interpretations of the International Fire Code.
- Members: 6
- Meetings: As needed
- Contact: Fire Marshal's Office, 564.397.3322
Fort Vancouver Regional Library Board
The County Council recommends three members of the seven-member board. The recommendations must be approved by joint action of the Clark, Skamania and Klickitat county legislative boards. Terms are for seven years.
Library trustees are responsible for policies regarding the district's 15 locations, two bookmobiles, online services at and centralized headquarters. The district service area includes approximately 464,000 people and covers more than 4,200 square miles in southwest and south-central Washington. It includes all of Clark County except the city of Camas, all of Skamania and Klickitat counties and the city of Woodland in Cowlitz County.
The district operates community libraries in Battle Ground, Goldendale, La Center, North Bonneville, Ridgefield, Stevenson, the Vancouver urban area, Washougal, White Salmon Valley and Woodland. It also operates the Mall Library Connection at Vancouver Mall and Library Express in Yacolt. The district provides services to Yale Library Express under contract with Yale Valley Library District.
Law and Justice Council
The Law and Justice Council develops a community corrections plan for local and state correctional services in the county.
- Members: 26
- Meetings: 8 am, second Thursday
- Contact: County Council office, 564.397.2232
Mosquito Control District Board of Trustees
A Board of Trustees oversees the work of the Mosquito Control District and establishes its policy. The board is comprised of one member from each city or town in Clark County, and three county at large members appointed by the County Council. The board adopts the work plan, prepares and approves district expenditures and contracts for services.
- Members: 10
- Meetings: 7:00pm, second Tuesday of February, May, August and November
- Contact: Mosquito Control District Office, 360.574.7906
North Country Emergency Medical Administrative Board
Makes recommendations about operation of North Country Emergency Medical Services.
- Members: 10; 1 county representative (councilor) and alternate (county manager)
- Meetings: 10 am, bi-monthly, fourth Tuesday, 300 W. Hoag St., Yacolt
- Contact: North Country EMS, 360.686.3271
Portland International Airport Citizen Noise Advisory Committee
This advisory committee acts on behalf of local jurisdictions as an official forum to address community aircraft noise concerns. CNAC members review noise abatement projects, provide input for the implementation of the current Portland International Airport Noise Compatibility Plan, develop ideas and recommend proposals for consideration in future airport noise plans, participate on advisory committees involved in long-range airport facilities and capital improvement planning, and promote citizen understanding of airport noise issues.
- Members: 15
- Meetings: Bi-monthly on odd months, Port of Portland HQ, Anchor Room, 7200 NE Airport Way
- Contact: Port of Portland, 503.460.4100
Michelle Pfenning
County Manager's Office
PO Box 5000,
Vancouver, WA 98666-5000
Indicate the committee or board in which you are interested.
Arts Commission, deadline: Monday, March 31
Solid Waste Advisory Commission, deadline: Monday, March 31