Section 4.1 Financial administration
- For the purposes of budget preparation, presentation to the council and monitoring, under Chapter 36.40, the county manager is designated as the chief financial officer of the county.
- Per RCW 36.40.010, each office and department shall provide a preliminary budget composed of a detailed and itemized estimates, both of the probable revenues from sources other than taxation, and of all expenditures required by such office, department, service, or institution for the ensuing fiscal year.
- Per RCW 36.40.040, upon receipt of the preliminary budget estimates the county manager shall prepare the county budget which shall set forth the complete financial program of the county for the ensuing fiscal year, showing the expenditure program and the sources of revenue by which it is to be financed.
- The auditor shall be responsible for financial administration of the county, including reports to the county council on the actual revenues and expenses of the organization, in accordance with RCW 36.22.010 and this charter; provided the auditor is not responsible for those duties assigned by this charter to the treasurer or county manager.
- The duties of treasurer are those specified in federal law, and Washington State Constitution, and statutes.
[Amended, Sec. 7, Rec. 2021-7, Nov. 2021]