The Clark County Board of Health is accepting applications for a Public Health Advisory Council position representing the educational community. Application deadline is 5 pm March 31. Learn More >
The Public Health Advisory Council, consisting of 21 unpaid community members and two ex-officio members, is a direct link between the Clark County Board of Health and Clark County residents. The Public Health Advisory Council reviews priority public health needs and makes periodic recommendations to the Board of Health to enhance community health and wellbeing. The council may provide community forums or establish community task forces, as assigned by the Board of Health. And the council reviews and makes recommendations to Clark County Public Health and the Board of Health for the annual budget and fees. The council's current focus areas include supporting Clark County Community Health Improvement Plan priorities and public health legislative priorities.
Council membership
Public Health Advisory Council members are appointed by the Clark County Board of Health for three-year terms. Selections strive for racial and ethnic diversity and representation from all geographic areas of the county.
In April 2021, the Washington legislature passed House Bill 1152, which requires county boards of health to include non-elected members. Local boards of health could retain their composition if the local health department had a community health board established prior to Jan. 1, 2021. Clark County’s Public Health Advisory Council, which was established in 2003 by the Clark County Commissioners, meets the definition of a community health board as outlined in state statute (RCW 70.46.140).
Council meetings are open to the public and include time for public comment. As a courtesy to the organizers, please email PHAC if you plan to attend a meeting.
Community members interested in providing public comment during a meeting should review the Public Participation Guidelines for PHAC Meetings.
The council meets 5:30-7:30 pm on the fourth Tuesday of every month, except December. Meetings are typically held via Zoom, however, one meeting per quarter will be in-person at locations across the county.
Next meeting
When: 5:30-7:30 pm Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Where: Virtual (Microsoft Teams) meeting: meeting link
Meeting ID: 258 931 433 721 | Passcode: W5hR3cX6