Board of Health

The Clark County Council also serves as the Clark County Board of Health, in accordance with the public health and safety chapter of the Revised Code of Washington. The Board of Health exercises final authority over all matters pertaining to  preservation of the life and health of  people within Clark County. This responsibility includes:

  • Enforcement of state public health statutes, rules of the state board of health and Secretary of Health.
  • Supervision of health and sanitary measures for the provision of the public health.
  • Enacting local rules and regulations to preserve, promote and improve public health.
  • Control and prevention of any dangerous, contagious or infectious disease.
  • Prevention, control and abatement of nuisance detrimental to the public health.

The Board of Health also establishes fee schedules for issuing or renewing licenses or permits or for other such services as authorized by the law and rules of the state Board of Health.

In April 2021, the Washington legislature passed House Bill 1152, which requires county boards of health to include non-elected members. Local boards of health could retain their composition if the local health department had a community health board established prior to Jan. 1, 2021. Clark County’s Public Health Advisory Council, which was established in 2003 by the Clark County Commissioners, meets the definition of a community health board as outlined in state statute (RCW 70.46.140).


Board of Health meetings are held in a hybrid format. You can join in person, on the 6th floor of the Public Service center or participate in the following ways: 

8:30am-10am, the fourth Wednesday of every month

Where:  Online - See agenda for up to date information 
In person - Public Service Center, 6th Floor Hearing Room
1300 Franklin St., Vancouver

Date Agenda/Minutes Notes/Related Documents Audio/Video


Board of Health overview
