All children are filled with tremendous promise, and our community shares responsibility for protecting and fostering their potential. Raising Clark County is a multi-phase project that aims to identify how Clark County Public Health and community partners can build community supports for infants, young children, parents and caregivers so every child can reach their fullest potential.
During the first phase of the project, Clark County Public Health conducted interviews with community service providers working with Clark County families to identify available services. In the second phase, Clark County Public Health conducted a survey and hosted listening sessions to hear directly from people raising children in Clark County about what helps them to be more successful caregivers and what things make raising a child challenging. Issue briefs that summarize key themes identified in the survey will be shared with the community and partners.
Information collected through the project will help Clark County Public Health and community partners to understand unique needs of local families and identify policies and programs that better support children and the adults in their lives.
Raising Clark County is focused on early childhood, when positive experiences can wire a child’s brain for success and provide a strong foundation for learning, behavior, physical and mental health.
Raising Clark County issue briefs
Clark County Public Health is developing issue briefs describing themes identified during both phases of the project and including summaries of family voices. Issue briefs on the following themes will be added as they are completed. A summary of all these issues is listed on the "Project Highlights" document.
- Breastfeeding
- Built Environment & Safety
- Community Connection
- Working Parent & Employer Support
- Hopes and Dreams
- Equity and Inclusion
Raising Clark County policy briefs
Clark County Public Health is developing policy briefs that align with issues elevated through phase 1 and 2 data collection efforts and with current, high-priority issue areas in the pregnant and parenting population.