Clark County Council Meetings

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Clark County Council meetings are open to the public, in person or online. 

Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format. You can join in person, on the 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666, or virtually. 

For meeting dates and times, please see the County Council Calendar or the Weekly Calendar on our Meeting Information page. 

If you would like to participate in public comment, you can come to the Public Service Center 6th floor Hearing Room, provide comment over the phone, or by logging into WebEx.

All documents are in PDF format unless noted otherwise.

To request a document not available here, call 564-397-4305 or email:

To request a video not available here, contact CVTV.

Date Agendas & Minutes Related Documents Audio/Video

Weekly Calendar

Consent Agenda

Hearing Agenda


Consent Items 1. Contract for CJC regarding "no-show" patients for Legacy Hospital's Child Abuse Assessment Clinic 2. Humane Society of SW Washington 3. Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) to accept grant for rebuilding a public RR grade crossing at 119th St 4. WSDOT Freight Rail Assistance Program grant award 5. Grant Project Agreement and Deed of Right of Cougar Creek Woods Community Park 6. Grant Project Agreement and Deed of Right for Chinook Neighborhood Park 7. Victoria's View Plat Recording 8. NE Highway 99 Corridor Improvements Project CRP No. 351022

Public Hearing Ordinance 2013-10-06 I-502 Marijuana Related Facilities Interim Ordinance

Board Hearing - Oct. 8 2013

Board Time Agenda

Work Session Items
WS-CCC 9.24.010 Update to include inoperable boats

WS-CCC 9.24.010 Update to include inoperable boats (MP3 27MB)

Board Time (MP3 157MB)


Weekly Calendar

Consent Agenda

Hearing Agenda


Board of Health
-News Release
-Medication Safe Disposal Poster

Consent Items
1. Abby Manor final plat
2. Reorganization of public health
3. Farran Cluster Short Plant recording
4. Regency Estates Plat recording
5. Establish CRP No. 320622 Hazel Dell-Felida Traffic Signal Optimization and CRP No. 321322 Barberton Traffic Signal Optimization

Public Hearing
Surface Mining Overlay Update - cancelled

Board Hearing - Oct. 1 2013


Board Time Agenda

Work Session Items
WS-Rural Lands Update

Board Time
1. Parks Organization
2. Humane Society
3. Lean Project Position
4. Surface Mining Overlay
5. Change in Concurrency Standards
6. Woodland Chamber and Visitor Center's Budget Request for 2014
7. EMS District #2 Ambulance Procurement's Legal Documents - 10 step - Vacancy Review

WS-Rural Lands Study (MP3 108MB)

Board Time (MP3 177MB)


Weekly Calendar

Consent Agenda

Hearing Agenda


Consent Items 1. Jackie's Landing Phase 4 final plat 2. Hazel Dell Area Sidewalks Project

Board Hearing - Sept. 24 2013

Board Time Agenda

Work Session Items
WS-2013 Annual Reviews & Dockets

WS-Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Update
--Clark County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
--Regional Group Procedure
--Emergency Checklist
--Emergency Contact List

WS-2013 Annual Review & Dockets (MP3 1MB)

WS-Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Update (MP3 1MB)

Board Time (MP3 284 MB)


Weekly Calendar

Consent Agenda

Hearing Agenda


Consent Items 1. Grant acquisition of 160 acres in Ridgefield 2. Park Use Agreement with Clark County Gun Club to operate English Pit Shooting Range Board Hearing - Sept. 17 2013

Board Time Agenda

Board Time (MP3 109MB)

Weekly Calendar

Consent Agenda

Hearing Agenda


Consent Items 1. MOU between City of La Center and CJC 2. Federal Lands Access Program Match Agreement 4. Appointment of Exec Director of Clark County Event Center Board Hearing - Sept. 10 2013

Board Time Agenda

Work Session Items
WS-Impacts of the Affordable Care Act

WS - Impacts of the Affordable Care Act (MP3 89MB)

Board Time (MP3 99MB)


Weekly Calendar

Consent Agenda

Hearing Agenda


Consent Items 1. Ordinance 2013-08-11 Land Use and Zoning of Wineries 2. Recording/Marriage License change funds 3. Bella Ridge Phase 4 final plat 4. Approval of settlement ~ Estate of Irwin P Jessen

Board Hearing - Sept. 3 2013

Board Time (Cancelled)

Weekly Calendar

Consent Agenda

Hearing Agenda


Consent Items
1. CJC contract with Dr. Pat Beckett
2. CJC contract with Dr. Kim Copeland
3. Agreement with Northwest Interpreter Inc
4. Amendment to PSA with Burlington Environmental LLC
5. Collective Bargaining Agreement with International Longshore and Warehouse Union
6. Contract with Hyas Group for Deferred Comp
7. Grant Funding for Van Atta Bridge
8. Approval of project and agreement for Salmon Creek Ave
9. Approval of resolution directing Treasurer to distribute monies

Board Hearing - Aug. 27 2013



Board Time Agenda

Work Session Items
WS-Highway 99 Project Options
Presented Presentation
--North Interim Pedestrian Plan
--North Interim Cost Est
--South Option 1
--South Option 1 Cost Est
--South Option 2
--South Option 2 Cost Est
--South Option 3
--South Option 3 Cost Est

WS-Capital Facilities Plan
Presented Presentation

WS-Initiative 502
Presented Presentation
Draft map

WS- Highway 99 Project Options (MP3 94MB)

WS- Capital Facilities Plan Concurrency (MP3 70MB)

WS- Initiative 502 (MP3 64MB)

Board Time (MP3 83 MB)


Weekly Calendar

Consent Agenda

Hearing Agenda


Consent Items 2. Resolution regarding decommissioning Rufener Landfill 3. Application for Integrated Planning Grant 4. Agreement for Coordinated Prevention Grant 5. IGA with City of Vancouver for Commute Trip Reduction 6. Plat for The Vale at Pleasant Valley Phase 3 7. Guardrail Safety Project 8. 2013-2015 WA Auto Theft Prevention Program grant Board Hearing - Aug. 20 2013
8/14/2013 Board Time Agenda Board Time (MP3 203.8MB)

Weekly Calendar

Consent Agenda Hearing Agenda


Consent Items 1. Hazel Dell Ridge Phase 3 final plat approval 2. NE 87th St Final Order of Vacation 3. First Amendments to Agreement CRWD - Clark County - City of Battle Ground and City of Ridgefield regarding wastewater and Wastewater Solids 4. Discovery Clean Water Alliance Operator Agreement approval 5. City of Portland and Clark County Interlocal Agreement approval to receive and disburse Urban Area Security Initiative grant funds 6. FY 2013 Marijuana Eradication Support Grant approval 7. Recreational Boating Safety Federal Financial Assistance Grant approval 8. Amendment to lease - transfer of space at the Fairgrounds Safety Complex

Public Hearing Emergency Resolution 2013-08-04: Medical Marijuana

Board Hearing - Aug. 13 2013
8/7/2013 Board Time Agenda Board Time - Part 1 (MP3 33MB) Board Time - Part 2 (MP3 203MB)

Consent Agenda

Hearing Agenda


Consent Items 1. Statutory Warranty Deed approval Board Hearing - Aug. 6. 2013

Special Hearing Agenda


Public Hearing
- Light Rail Resolution
- Bus Rapid Transit Resolution
- East County Toll-Free Bridge Resolution
- Toll-Free I-5 Bridge Replacement Resolution
- West County toll-Free Bridge Resolution
- Fireworks Advisory Vote Resolution


Advisory Votes Part 1


Advisory Votes Part 2


Advisory Votes Part 3

7/31/2013 Board Time Agenda Board Time (MP3 208MB)

Consent Agenda

Hearing Agenda



Consent Items
1. Mo Hollow plat recording approval
2. Burnt Bridge Village Subdivision amended plat
3. Joint Purchasing Interlocal Agreement between Clark County and City of Camas
5. 2013-2014 Sex Offender Address and Residency Verification Program Grant approval
6. 2013-2014 Target Zero Task Force Project grant approval
7. 2013-2014 Byrne Drug-Gang Task Force grant approval

Board Hearing - July 30 2013

7/24/2013 Board Time Agenda Board Time (MP3 209MB)

Consent Agenda

Hearing Agenda


Consent Items 1. Elder Justice Center- Interlocal between Clark County City of Vancouver and WA ST DSHS 2. Pay plan changes for General Services Director Deputy County Administrator and Program Mgr/Coordinator positions 3. Delete Budget Director position; reclassify Dept. Finance Mgr to Budget Manager 4. Approval of Bargain and Sale Deeds 5. Lindeman Short Plat recording approval

Public Hearing Chapter 173-60 WAC Maximum Environmental Noise Levels

Clark County Code 9.14 Public Disturbance Noises

Board Hearing - July 23 2013
7/17/2013 Board Time Agenda Board Time (MP3 118MB)