Make a commitment to the environment, pledge to be a WasteBuster

Published Date

Vancouver, WA – This month, Clark County Environmental Services will sponsor a three-week challenge to promote waste reduction and sustainable living.

County residents are encouraged to sign up online to take the WasteBusters pledge and decrease what goes to landfills by committing to one of three waste-busting actions:

  • Bring reusable bags to the grocery store
  • Use reusable beverage containers for to-go drinks
  • Designate one day a week to eat leftovers

Each of these actions may seem relatively small, but they can make a huge difference in the amount of waste buried in landfills.

“The WasteBusters challenge is a great way to start a new eco-friendly habit,” said Don Benton, Environmental Services director.

For example, about 40 percent of edible food in the United States gets tossed out. The average family discards between $130 to $230 worth of food each month. Taking extra steps to avoid wasting food not only reduces what is taken to landfills, but it keeps more money in your pocket.

This year’s WasteBusters challenge starts Tuesday, Feb. 9. People who sign up will be asked to write short posts about their experiences during the challenge’s 21 days. As an incentive, those who successfully complete the pledge and write about their experiences will be entered in a drawing to win an iPad mini.

To sign up for the pledge, visit

Noticing how many one-time use and disposable products we purchase is a good first step toward a more sustainable lifestyle. Making adjustments to eating and purchasing habits, with an eye for throw-away products and packaging, is the next step.

Zea Luce
Environmental Services
(360) 397-2121 ext. 4884