2025 Budget: Public Health Fund (1025)
The Public Health Fund was established in 2003. Previously, the Health Department was a separate entity – Southwest Washington Health District – governed by a consortium of local municipalities, which included Clark County. By agreement, Southwest Washington Health District was dissolved, and the Health Department was brought under the direct jurisdiction of Clark County. The department aims to preserve, promote, and protect public health in the community. Public Health activities are funded by a variety of sources, including fees for service (e.g. permits, inspections and plan reviews), local, state and federal grants, county Mental Health Sales Tax, and the county general fund.
2025 Budget: Solid Waste Fund (4014)
The Solid Waste Fund accounts for the cost of administering the solid waste collection and disposal activities in the county, including waste reduction and recycling. The majority of revenues are collected through a surcharge on garbage collection rates and curbside recycling fees. Recycling fees are passed through the county to an external service provider.
2025 Budget: General Fund (0001) - Medical Examiner's Office
As part of the county's general fund, the Medical Examiner's office investigates the deaths of individuals in Clark County over which they have jurisdiction; the purpose of the investigation is to determine the cause and manner of death. The system of death investigation in Clark County transitioned from a coroner system to a medical examiner system on Jan. 1, 1999. This change was initiated by the Board of Commissioners and approved by the voters of Clark County in the fall of 1996.