The Washington Victim Information and Notification Everyday (WA VINE) system is administered by the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) as directed by RCW 35.28A.040 and is part of the VINE national platform. WA VINE launched in 2006.
WA VINE's primary focus is to provide information and notification regarding offender custody status updates to victims of crime. WA VINE is an open system, meaning anyone may register for notification. There is no cost to users to register for notification. All city and county jails and the Washington Department of Corrections contribute to WA VINE through individually developed agency interfaces.
How WA VINE works: 
WA VINE users should not depend solely on WA VINE for their safety. WA VINE should be part of a safety plan, not the entire plan. If immediate danger, please call 911. Please also note, WA VINE does not provide advance release notifications.
WA VINE can be accessed 24/7 by phone at 1-877-846-3492, via, or through the VINE mobile app.
WA VINE provides notifications by text, in-app, email, phone and TTY.