Tax Incentives


Federal, state and local programs offer tax programs that provide substantial savings to property owners that maintain and restore historic structures.

Current Use Tax Program

Clark County oversees a special tax deferral program for property owners of qualifying open space lands, which include properties listed on any one of the historic registers. Properties eligible for this program are taxed based on their current use, rather than their "highest and best" -- or market value -- use (e.g., residential, commercial or industrial development).

>More information and how to apply

Special Valuation Program 

The "special valuation" law makes it possible for Clark County to insure that property taxes will not reflect substantial improvements made to historic properties for 10 years.

Properties on the National Register of Historic Places, Clark County Heritage Register or contributing properties within a Clark County Register Historic District which undergo substantial rehabilitation may receive special valuation if the rehabilitation work is approved by the Historic Preservation Commission. The work must have been conducted within two years prior to application, and must be equal in cost to at least 25% of the assessed value of the structure prior to rehabilitation.  

Information and application

Federal Historic Tax Credit

A 20% Federal income tax credit on the qualified amount of private investment spent on certified rehabilitation of a National Register listed historic building.

For more information about the program and how to apply, please visit the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation's Federal Historic Tax Credit website.