The Commission

2023 HPC Web Refresh-Commission Photo

Front row (left to right): Jan Bader, Chair Julie Bohn, Morgan Frazier
Back row (left to right): John Zingale, Heidi Mandler-Huff, Andy Gregg, 
Vice-Chair Elaine Thatcher

To contact a commission member, please email and the message will be forwarded to the member that it addresses. 

Jan Bader

Jeanette (Jan) Bader worked for the City of Vancouver for 22 years, first as Program and Policy Development Manager and then as Cultural Services Manager, before retiring in 2021. With master’s degrees in both public administration and social work from Eastern Washington University, Jan is passionate about historic preservation and its importance in the economic health of the community. In addition to serving on the Clark County Historic Preservation Commission, Jan serves on the boards of the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation and the Clark County Historic Museum. In her work with the City of Vancouver, Jan was the city’s lead on the management of the federally designated, 366-acre Vancouver National Historic Reserve which includes Fort Vancouver.  In retirement, Jan and her husband are traveling and enjoying their grandchildren. Second term expires 06/30/2027.

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Julie Bohn, Chair

Julie’s professional background includes twenty years work in international economic development with an emphasis on emergency response and global public health. She has always had a deep love and fascination of history, architecture and historic preservation. From a young age she volunteered at her local historic foundation as a historic building guide and was employed as a historic interpreter at a state park. She has volunteered to help restore historic statues and gravestones in National Parks where she learned about the unique ways historic materials need to be treated to prevent harm. Her passion for historic architecture led her to pursue a Master’s certificate in Historic Preservation from Georgia State University, with a special focus on historic building materials. Julie has served on the Clark County Historic Preservation Commission for four years. Second term expires 06/30/2025.

2024 HPC Photo - Julie Bohn

Morgan Frazier

Morgan Frazier is a professional archaeologist, historian, and cartographer with over twenty years of experience working in the Pacific Northwest and owner of a local cultural resource consulting company based out of Clark County. Morgan has extensive knowledge of the indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest and Hawaii, as well as the local history of the Pacific Northwest. Morgan’s strength lies in her commitment to facilitate conversations with individuals that have similar goals but different approaches – when working with indigenous groups, she works to honor the traditional and cultural protocols to create a conducive, respectful, environment in which to collaborate.  Similarly, when working with families researching their historic houses and family history –Morgan strives to listen and provide a holistic approach to discovering the forgotten histories and lives of those ancestors and the place. Morgan is also active in the LGBTQIA+ community and is presently the president of local non-profit, Clark County Pride that provides support and resources for rural youth and their families here in SW Washington. Outside of volunteering, Morgan loves spending time with her three grandchildren, traveling, kayaking, growing dahlias, and baseball – go Mariners! Second term expires 06/30/2027.

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Andrew Gregg

Born in Vancouver, Andrew Gregg sustained an active interest in Clark County History since early childhood when, on Saturday mornings, he would accompany his father, James R. Gregg, who practiced law here for sixty-two years, posting legal notices on bulletin boards in downtown public places. After education in Vancouver Public Schools, Mr. Gregg earned undergraduate degrees from Willamette University, attended Gonzaga University School of Law, and completed a master’s degree in Public History at Washington State University. Initially appointed to the Commission in 2006, he served as Chair from 2011-2014. Following a term as Chair of the Arts Commission, Mr. Gregg returned to HPC in 2017, served as Chair from 2021-2023, and was recently reappointed through 2026. An eyewitness to our region's history for seven decades, he has written and published extensively, presented to diverse audiences, and has thoroughly enjoyed participating in the preservation of culture’s clutter. Second term expires 6/30/2026.

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Heidi Mandler-Huff

Heidi Mandler-Huff is an Oregon estate planning attorney. She received her Doctor of Jurisprudence from Willamette University School of Law, and prior to entering the legal field, she obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and Archaeology at The Evergreen State College. 

Heidi has had a passion for the preservation of history for as long as she can remember. When she is not volunteering in the community, or practicing law, you can find Heidi in the garden, reading, or out exploring the beauty of the Pacific Northwest with her spouse. First term expires 06/30/2026.

Elaine Thatcher, Vice-Chair

Elaine is proud to serve the community that raised her, preserving the history she grew up with for the next generation. Volunteering at Fort Vancouver National Historic Site since she graduated high school, she is acutely familiar with the local, national, and international histories our community holds and protects. 

Elaine graduated from WSU Vancouver with a degree in Anthropology and University of Glasgow with a Masters in Art History. Bringing an international viewpoint to local issues, she looks forward to bringing her unique set of skills to support her fellow commissioners and the community. First term expires 06/30/2025.

2024 HPC Photo - Elaine Thatcher

John Zingale

John Zingale teaches middle school Social Studies at Vancouver iTech Preparatory in Vancouver, Washington. At iTech he engages his students in their learning using the HiPstory (Hands-on, individualized, Project-based History) model, which helps them to become historians by focusing on developing their historical thinking skills that will last beyond the classroom. Instead of just reading from a textbook, they write papers, conduct interviews, create documentaries, practice Archeology, produce virtual reality, and design museum exhibits. He has served on multiple Social Studies education boards and won several local, state, and national awards for his teaching. His work has also helped him, and his school, develop an official partnership with the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site as they have created a virtual reality tour and 3D scanned artifacts for them. Aside from teaching, he is a husband and father. His different hobbies include hiking, photography (including mapping with 360º images), and traveling. First term expires 06/30/2026.

2023 HPC Web Refresh-Zingale Photo

Staff Contacts

Bart Catching, Planner III, or 564.397.4909

Susan Ellinger, Planner III, or 564.397.4516