Rural Industrial Land Bank


Project Update

On Nov. 12, 2019, the Clark County Council approved Ordinance 2019-11-16, adopting amendments to the Clark County 20-year Comprehensive Growth Management Plan 2015-2035 map, zoning map, comprehensive plan text, arterial atlas map, and Clark County Code Title 40 to remove authorization for and all references to the Rural Industrial Land Bank.

Project Summary

Map of Planning AreaThe Clark County 20-year Comprehensive Growth Management Plan adopted approximately 600 acres of FRIENDS OF CLARK COUNTY’S & FUTUREWISE’S PETITION FOR REVIEWwhat was agricultural land to be Employment Center with a Light Industrial zoning and Rural Industrial Land Bank overlay. On June 20, 2016, a petition for review of the designation of the rural industrial land bank was filed with the Growth Management Hearings Board (GMHB) by Futurewise and Friends of Clark County. 

GMHB concluded that the County remained noncompliant regarding dedesignating the RILB. The county appealed the RILB decision.

On Aug. 20, 2019, the Washington State Court of Appeals filed their decision which reviewed the GMHB Rural Industrial Land Bank decision. The court decision upheld the GMHB ruling that the Rural Industrial Land Bank was out of compliance with the state’s Growth Management Act. The Clark County Council has decided to not file an appeal of the Washington State Court of Appeals recent decision regarding the county’s 20-year Comprehensive Plan update.

A Rural Industrial Land Bank Overview includes additional project summary information. 

Next Steps

Clark County will consider amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, zoning maps and Title 40 by deleting the Rural Industrial Land Bank. Proposed comprehensive plan and development amendments comply with the Growth Management Hearings Board.

Proposed actions:

Below are brief descriptions of the proposed amendments.

Proposed Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map Amendments

Amend the Comprehensive Plan designation of Rural Industrial Land Bank (RILB) and zoning designation of Light Industrial (IL) with a Rural Industrial Land Bank Overlay (IL-RILB) to the Comprehensive Plan designation of Agriculture (AG) and zoning designation of Agriculture (AG-20) on the following parcels: 198335000, 198375000, 196656000,198111000, 198324000, 198112000, 198101000, 198075000, 198072000,198080000, 198082000, 198113000, and 198076000.


Proposed Arterial Atlas Map Amendments
No. Amendment Description
1 Delete At approximately NE 106th Ave., delete a proposed commercial/industrial road, running north/south from NE 139th St. to NE 149th St.
2 Delete At approximately NE 144th St. and NE 114th Ave, delete a proposed NE 144th St. commercial/industrial road extension to the Chelatchie Prairie Railroad.
3 Delete At approximately NE 110th Ave. a proposed 2-lane minor arterial (M-2cb) from NE 134th St. to NE 139th St.
4 Reclassify A road segment between NE 144th St. and the intersection of NE 139th St./NE 132th Ave. from a 2-lane minor arterial (M-2cb) to a 2-lane collector (C-2).
5 Reclassify A road segment of NE 134th St. from a 2-lane minor arterial (M-2cb) to a 2-lane collector (C-2) between approximately NE 110th Ave. to NE 132nd Ave intersection.
6 Modify A planned road extension at approximately NE 112th Ave. from transitioning gradually from NE 139th St. to NE 144th St. returning to the prior alignment beginning further west at NE 102nd Ave. connecting NE 139th St. to NE 144th St.
7 Modify A planned road extension at approximately NE 124th Ave. from NE 119th St. to NE 144th St. returning to the prior vertical alignment instead of the serpentine westward alignment.


Proposed Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments
No.  Element Description
1 Table of Contents Delete Rural Industrial Land Bank (RILB) from the Table of Contents, page i.
2 Land Use Delete Rural Industrial Land Bank (RILB) from Table 1.4 Rural Lands Plan Designation to Zone Consistency, page 31.
3 Land Use Delete Rural Industrial Land Bank (RILB) and associated text, page 36-37.

Rural & Natural        Resource

Delete County 20-year Plan Rural Industrial Land Bank goal and plan policies section 3.8, page 98.


Proposed Clark County Code Amendments
No. Title 40 Description
1 40.230.085 Amend CCC 40.230.085 - Employment Districts (IL, IH, IR, BP, IL-RILB) to delete all references to RILB in subsection (B)(1)(d), Table 40.230.085-1 Uses, Table 40.230.085-1 footnote 10, Table 40.230.085-2 Lot Standards, Setbacks, Lot Coverage and Building Height Requirements, Table 40.230.085-2 footnote 7, subsection (D)(4) including Figures 40.230.085-1 and 40.230.085-2, and associate renumbering.
2 40.520.070 Amend CCC 40.520.070 Master Planned Development to delete (B)(4) and (C)(1)(b).
3 40.520.075 Amend CCC 40.520.075 – Rural Industrial Development Master Plan to delete all references to RILB and/or RCW 36.70A.367 in (B) and amend Section 40.560.010(J) to Section 40.560.010(H), and delete “with an IL-RILB overlay. Amend (C)(1) to amend Section 40.560.010(J) to Section 40.560.010(H), and delete “or land bank” and “for the land bank.”
4 40.560.010  Amend CCC 40.560.010 – Plan Amendment Procedures to delete all references to RILB and/or RCW 36.70A.367 in (H), delete (H)(a)(2) Major industrial land banks (light industrial), and delete (H)(b)(2) Major industrial land banks (light industrial).


Public Meetings

Nov. 12, 2019 - Clark County Hearing

Oct. 23, 2019 - Clark County Council Work Session

Oct. 17, 2019 - Clark County Planning Commission Hearing

Planning Commission Recommendation, dated Oct. 18, 2019

Oct. 3, 2019 - Clark County Planning Commission Work Session

Staff contact

Gary Albrecht, Planner III, AICP