General information
Protection orders are stand-alone civil orders you can request to protect yourself or others from another person who is harming you. (People will informally call these restraining orders, but a restraining order is requested as part of a family law case.) The laws covering civil protection orders can be found in RCW Chapter 7.105.
- Overview about Protection Orders from the Clark County Clerk's Office
- Types of Protection Orders from King County
- Understanding Washington State Protection Orders & How They Can Help You from the State Court (information about modifying and/or terminating a protection order is also included)
- What is a civil protection order? from the State Court
- I was served with a civil protection order. What happens next? from the State Court
- How Do I File for a Domestic Violence Protection Order in Clark County? from Navigate Law Group
- Tips for Filing a Comprehensive Civil Protection Order webinar from Beresford Booth PLLC
- Resource List - Civil Protection Orders from the State Court
Clark County's Family Court Facilitator program provides assistance to individuals who choose to represent themselves in matters dealing with protection orders. The facilitator is available for in-person assistance for domestic violence protection orders on a walk-in basis at no cost.
Forms and instructions
There is one consolidated form set for protection orders involving vulnerable adults, domestic violence, harassment, stalking, and sexual assault.
Washington State's official court forms for protection orders are on the State Court website.
Washington LawHelp has forms and instructions for protection orders for filing for:
- File for a Protection Order - printable packet with forms that you can fill out by hand
- File for a Protection Order - online interview that can help you fill out the forms
- Renew your protection order if your protection order is going to end soon and you want to extend it for another year or longer
- Revision in a protection order case if your case was heard by a court commissioner instead of a judge and you want to ask a judge to change an order or judgment entered by the commissioner
- Reconsideration in a protection order case if your case was heard by a judge and you want to ask a judge to change the decision
- Change or end your Protection Order for either party if the situation has changed and you want to ask to have the protection order updated or you no longer need it
Extreme risk protection orders use different forms. These orders require a person who is a significant danger of causing personal injury to self or others in the near future to surrender weapons.
Washington State's official court forms for extreme risk protection orders are on the State Court website.
For all protection orders, you must file your paperwork at the Superior Court Clerk's Office before 11:00 am in order to have a judge review your paperwork that day. If you file later than 11:00 am a judge will review it on the next business day. Petitions can be filed in person or electronically at according to the Superior Court Clerk's Office.
Civil standby
Protection Orders and Temporary Protection Orders may require that law enforcement provide assistance for either party in obtaining possession of property or otherwise assist in executing an order of protection. See RCW Section 7.105.320 for more information. You must have a court order requiring this assistance in order to use this service.
For the protected person/petitioner, the court can require law enforcement assistance with possession of a residence, a specific vehicle, essential personal belongings, or other items that the court specifies.
For the restrained person/respondent, the court can require that law enforcement be present during the collection of personal clothing, personal items, or other specified items.
The time allowed for this standby period is short so people should plan to gather their things in about 15 minutes. Law enforcement does not assist with packing or carrying items.
Different law enforcement agencies may be involved depend on the location of the residence, and each agency may have somewhat different procedures.
- If the Clark County Sheriff's Office is the specified agency in the order, contact the Sheriff’s Civil Unit at 564.397.2225 or
- If the Vancouver Police Department or other police departments within the county are the specified agency in the order, call 311.
Request to be notified of firearms release (Sheena Henderson Act)
In the 2015 legislative session, the legislature adopted SB 5381, establishing the Sheena Henderson Act, which has been codified as RCW Section 9.41.340 and requires law enforcement agencies to develop a notification protocol when firearms are to be released.
If you have a protection order or are seeking a protection order, you have the right to be notified when firearms will be released to the person you are seeking protection from. The Sheena Henderson Act allows a family member, household member, or intimate partner to request to be notified when a law enforcement agency returns a privately owned firearm to the person from whom it was taken. This applies to protection orders as well as no-contact orders, restraining orders, and identified victims of a crime that resulted in the firearm surrender.
If you want to be notified when firearms are released, email You must include these three things:
- Your relationship to the suspect/offender: Specify the nature of your relationship to the individual from whom the firearm was obtained.
- Your incident or case number: Provide the case number or incident number to help the Sheriff’s Office identify the correct person and process your request.
- What method of notification you prefer: Indicate whether you want to be contacted by email, text message, or phone call.
In adherence to the RCW, the firearm will only be released after several safety and validity checks have been performed.
Abusive litigation
“Abusive litigation” includes legal action taken in court or related to a court case that is intended to harass or intimidate you, or to continue to have contact with you. Washington law recognizes that abusers often misuse court proceedings in order to control, harass, intimidate, or coerce their partner or to force them to spend money on litigation. If you are facing abusive litigation, you may be able to ask the court to restrict the ability of the abuser to continue to file new cases or motions. The laws covering abusive litigation, including the legal definition of the term, can be found in RCW Chapter 26.51.
Washington State's official court forms for abusive litigation are on the State Court website.
- Abusive Litigation: When Your Abuser Exploits the Legal System from Legal Voice
- Washington Litigation Abuse from
Additional resources
- Resources: Gender-Based Violence from Legal Voice
- Domestic violence: Can the criminal legal system help me? from Washington LawHelp
- Hearing Guidelines for a DVPO from Legal Voice
- How to protect your privacy in court files from Legal Voice
- How to hide your address from a stalker or abuser from Washington LawHelp
See the name and gender page for forms, and instructions to file for a sealed name change.
The State Court has information about Civil Protection Order Filings and Exhibits: How to present your evidence. Superior Court Local Court Rule LCR 9 "Civil Protection Orders" has information about limits on the number of written submissions that can be filed with a civil protection order.
Washington's new Hope Card Program makes it easier for individuals with full civil protection orders to carry important details about their orders. These wallet-sized, durable cards include the information law enforcement needs to verify a protection order if a violation occurs.
Washington VINE Protective Order (VPO) is an automated service that allows you to track the status of a protective order. You can register to be notified about service, expiration, or attempts to purchase firearms. For updates about the custody status of offenders, register with Washington VINE.
Joel's Law allows for a Petition for Initial Detention to be filed by a family member, guardian, conservator, or federally recognized Indian tribe. These petitions address situations where a person with a behavioral health disorder is a danger to themselves, others, property, or is gravely disabled. The Washington State Health Care Authority has a fact sheet with information about the process.