General information
If the other party is properly served and does not respond to the Complaint within the time allowed, the plaintiff can ask for a default judgment.
Civil Court Rule CR 55 for Superior Court and CRLJ 55 for District Court have information about getting a judgment by default.
The plaintiff can present the court with paperwork to award themselves what they asked for in the Complaint. They may need to present evidence to prove to the court that they are entitled to the damages they are requesting.
Self-help kit from the law library
The law library sells a Default Judgment in Superior Court kit with forms and instructions to ask for a default judgment in Superior Court. It is intended for cases against one defendant who did not answer or appear, and less than one year has passed since service of the summons and complaint. Kits can be purchased at the library or online and mailed out.
Responding to default
If a default judgment was taken against you because you did not respond to the Complaint, and you had a valid reason for not responding to the lawsuit, you may be able to ask the court to "vacate" that judgment based on Civil Court Rule CR 60 for Superior Court and CRLJ 60 for District Court. Information about setting aside a default judgment is in Civil Court Rule CR 55 for Superior Court and CRLJ 55 for District Court.
Washington LawHelp has information and forms to vacate a judgment/order for most civil cases as well as specifically for family law and eviction cases:
Free eBook about representing yourself in court
How to find the eBook about representing yourself in court
Pages 74-75 pertain to default judgments