Where's my Ballot? / Ballot Status Tool


Where's My Ballot? / Ballot Status Tool

Ballots will be mailed by April 4th. Please expect them to arrive in your mailbox no later than April 10th. Clark County Elections Office offers a tool so you'll always know when your ballot is mailed and when your vote has been accepted.


Ballot Status Tool

With the ballot status tool in VoteWA, you can track your ballot for each election from the time we mail it to you to the time we receive and accept it for counting!

Ballot Tracking Tool StatusMeaning
SentYour ballot has been mailed to you.
ReceivedYour ballot has been received by Clark County Elections.
AcceptedYour ballot has been accepted and will be counted.
RejectedYour ballot has an issue, likely with the signature on the envelope.

If your ballot tracking status is "rejected," Clark County Elections will contact you by mail to inform you of the specific issue and how to resolve it. Please respond quickly to correct the situation so your ballot can be counted.


Replacement Ballot

Didn't receive your ballot? Please allow time for the ballot to be delivered to you. We ask that you wait until January 30th to request a replacement ballot. If you have a computer and printer you can download an electronic replacement ballot from www.VoteWA.gov. You may also request a replacement ballot by calling the Elections office at 564-397-2345. 


Signature Challenges

Signature challenges occur when a voter does not sign the envelope which contains the voted ballot or when the signature on the ballot return envelope does not match the signature we have on file. If your signature is challenged, you will receive a letter from Clark County Elections.


To fix any signature challenge issues, carefully follow the instructions on the form you receive and return the form to Clark County Elections. All signature challenge forms must be received by our office no later than 4 pm the day before the election is certified. For this election, the date of certification is May 2nd. So, the signature form must be received no later than 4:00pm on May 1st. Return your completed form in the envelope provided or drop it off in person to ensure your form is received before the deadline.


Missing Signature Form

Signature Update Form


When Ballots are Mailed

All ballots are mailed out 18 days before the next election with the exception of Military and Overseas ballots, which are mailed 30 days before special elections and 45 days before primary and general elections.


In Person Voting

A voter may bring their ballot they receive in the mail and vote it in person. We are located at 1408 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98660. Whether you vote your ballot in the comfort of your own home and deposit it at a ballot drop site, or vote it here, all ballots are processed in the same manner.