Excusing/Postponing Jury Service

The Juror Questionnaire must be completed and returned, even if you have a request to be excused. The court will not entertain your request unless you complete the required questionnaire. The survey prior to the jury questionnaire is voluntary and can be skipped. You may add an additional page to convey your situation and request, if needed. All excusals may be mailed or emailed to Jury Administration.

A request to be excused does not mean you are automatically excused. Unless you receive notification that you have been released, you are still under the court's order to appear if your group is required to report during your service term.

Each request is reviewed by the Court and a written response will be mailed by postcard and your information will be updated online. We stop accepting requests to be postponed or excused at 10:00am on the last business day before a service term begins. If it is a time sensitive issue, please call Jury Administration 564.397.2049 or email juries@clark.wa.gov



If you are requesting a postponement or rescheduled service, please indicate the calendar dates you prefer, and we will attempt to accommodate that. Jurors may receive up to 3 postponement/rescheduled service terms not to exceed 6 months from their original service date.

With limitations, you can also reschedule your service term through your online juror portal. Please login and visit the left hand menu to reschedule your service to available service terms. Once submitted, your new service term should be reflected immediately on your online portal. 

Please note, the option to reschedule yourself online will not be an option if you have rescheduled before or if you are within 7 days of your scheduled service.


Prior Excusals

Previous excusals do not warrant future excusals. Each instance must be addressed as if it is the first time the court is hearing your request. We do not maintain records (from previous years in which you may have been summoned) of your previous medical or previous requests to be excused. 


Jurors Over the Age of 70

Jurors over the age of 70 may request to be excused without documentation. If you are a juror in this situation, please fill out your juror questionnaire and indicate that you would like to be excused due to age. Once the questionnaire is received by Jury Administration, you will be excused. Please note, you must request an excusal for this reason at least 7 days in advance of your original scheduled service. Jurors who request an age excusal when reporting for service will not be automatically released.


Childcare/Dependent Care 

In regard to childcare, we would appreciate if you would reschedule your jury service to another date when you can make necessary care arrangements rather than asking to be excused. Jury Administration does not have the authority to release you for this reason.

If you are having difficulty arranging for childcare or other dependent care, please contact Jury Administration for other accommodations. Bringing children to jury duty is not permitted under any circumstance and jurors who do so will not be excused. 


Employment Conflicts

Jury Administration does not have the authority to excuse you for any employment reasons, regardless of your position or essentialness to your employer. Per RCW 2.36.165, employers are required to accommodate this court-ordered service. If you or your employer need more time to plan to accommodate this service, please contact Jury Administration to be rescheduled.


Small Business Owners/Independent Contractors/Sole Proprietors

Jury Administration does not have the authority to excuse you for any employment reasons, even if you are self-employed. If you need more time to plan appropriately to accommodate this service, please contact Jury Administration to be rescheduled. You will have an opportunity to request to be released by the court during the Jury Selection Process, if your group is required to report.


Financial Hardship

Jurors that may experience financial hardship when reporting for Jury Service should contact Jury Administration for other accommodations. You will also have an opportunity to request to be released before the court during the Jury Selection Process, if your group is required to report.



Email Jury Administration a copy of your school schedule as proof of enrollment during the jury term. Parents should forward the questionnaire to the summoned person/student but may not respond to the summons on behalf of the student. If the student is attending college outside the United States, please have the student contact our office directly. Providing a school schedule will permit a rescheduling to a time when the student is not enrolled in classes within the next 6 months. We do not excuse jurors for being a student unless they have established residency outside the county via a new state issued driver's license, ID card, or voter registration. 


Moved out of Clark County

Attach a copy of your state issued driver’s license, ID card, or voter registration showing a non Clark County address. 



Attach a copy of duty station orders/directives (a spouse or legal Power of Attorney may do this on your behalf - they must print and sign their name, if applicable, with "POA" afterwards).



Briefly explain the nature of the situation and attach a signed note by a primary care physician which states why in their professional opinion, the circumstance prevents your participation in jury service. Do not send lists of medications, appointment information, or diagnosis information. These will not permit excusal. If it is a temporary or short duration medical situation, you will be rescheduled.


Religious Beliefs

Jury Administration does not have the authority to release you for your religious beliefs. You will have an opportunity to request to be released by the court during the Jury Selection Process, if your group is required to report.


Other Reasons or Requests

Other requests to be excused must be placed in writing with enough detail for the court to gain an understanding as to why Jury Service may be difficult for you at this time.


RCW 2.36.170: Failure to appear – Penalty

A person summoned for jury service who intentionally fails to appear as directed shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


For more information, please visit our FAQ page.