Felida Community

Family at playground

Felida Community Neighborhood Association has re-activated and we're excited to meet you!

Felida Community Neighborhood Association was first established in January 1997 by a group of community members to improve the quality of life, provide communication links with public agencies, and to work toward common goals to protect public resources, health, safety, and livability within Felida NHA borders and nearby. There are no dues or fees. Membership is automatic for property owners, residents, and businesses within the NHA boundary.

From "Naming Clark County" by Pat Jollota: "When the local post office was established just north of Vancouver Lake, the name Powley was submitted to honor a local resident, F. Powley, who had donated land for the school. The post office denied that name and suggested "Polly." C. C. Lewis, the postmaster, responded that the name sounded like a parrot, they might as well name it for his cat! He submitted Thomas, his cat's name, as well as Tomcat, and Felidae, Latin for the big cats. The post office thought that Felida was a real nice name."


Neighborhood Sheriff Liaison

Call 3-1-1 to report non-life-threatening activity
Call 9-1-1 for fire and emergency

Report property crimes at:

You also may leave information or report suspected criminal activity at one of the Sheriff's two Tip Lines. You can remain anonymous.
Sheriff's Office Tip Line - 564.397.2847

Drug Task Force Tip Line - 564.397.6017
Si tienes información sobre drogas puedes dejar su mensaje aquí en español.  Su información será confidencial.

Neighborhood Fire Station
Clark County Fire District 6 - Station 62
11600 NW Lakeshore Avenue, Vancouver, WA


Neighborhood Association Officers
John Stubbs, President
Doug Morrison, Co-Vice-President
Karina Stubbs, Co-Vice-President
Email: felida.community.na@gmail.com 


Social Media
 Facebook icon    


Adopted Bylaws

Felida Community NHA Bylaws - Adopted 08/03/2024

