A message from Clark County Manager Kathleen Otto
Clark County has been engaged in a lot of thoughtful and intentional work that directly impacts our community. I am committed to providing regular updates to our community and staff to provide information on strategic initiatives and updates on Council’s policy directions as well as highlight county services, solicit feedback, and share how residents can be more involved in shaping our community.
Clark County developed its Vision, Mission and Strategic Actions in 2016. The Mission Statement is, “We enhance the quality of life of our diverse community by providing services with integrity, openness and accountability.” The framework in which we conduct business is embedded in the strategic actions which include Community Relationships, Customer Service, Decision Making Process, Employee Relations, Finance, and Technology.
Additionally, as noted in the Vision, Mission and Strategic Actions, the county is committed to providing services with, “collaboration, innovation, accountability, honest and civil communication, knowledge, respect for one another, professionalism, and integrity.”
As we embark upon another year, it is imperative to remember why we are here, the services we provide, and how everything we do directly impacts our community in which we have the honor to serve. I hope these communications are informative and transparent and I welcome respectful and diverse communications.
County Manager Kathleen Otto
Feedback and questions are welcomed.
Contact Kathleen Otto at:
March 2025 Update
Law and Justice
Community safety is of upmost importance. Clark County provides law and justice services countywide supporting all community members and public jurisdictions including cities, state agencies, etc. as well as law enforcement by the Sheriff’s Office in the unincorporated area.
The countywide law and justice partners include the Prosecuting Attorney; Public Defense; Clerks Office; Jail Services; and District, Superior and Juvenile Courts. It is critically important that this countywide system is in place to safeguard our community. Without these countywide services, the system will fail, hindering law enforcement’s ability to support a safe community. What does this mean? When law enforcement agencies are faced with responding to calls and potentially making arrests, there needs to be a robust system of services in place to support them including an adequate jail, prosecuting and defense attorneys, and judges and courtrooms.
What is currently being done? Law enforcement and countywide law and justice partners are evaluating data to determine where service levels are today, what they should be, and what will be required in the future. They did initial work this last summer and fall and continue their discussions weekly. The group will bring information to the Law and Justice Council, which is made up of several jurisdictions, this month. Then the information will go to the county council in the very near future for recommendations and to determine the best path forward.
Jail Remodel and Expansion Project
The county jail was built in the 1980s and has not grown or been remodeled to accommodate population growth and changes in services. However, after five comprehensive reviews, involving more than 17 diverse stakeholders such as law and justice partners, mental and behavioral experts, and the business community, the County Council recently provided direction to develop revenue options for the jail remodel and expansion project. This work is underway and will be coming back to Council in the next couple of months. This was a significant milestone for Clark County residents and the law and justice system.
As noted above, it is vitally important to ensure we have a law and justice system that is functional to support a safe community. It is imperative that the Clark County Jail has a facility with adequate bed capacity to house individuals, affords an efficient and safe booking area – which is a top priority for local law enforcement, provides mandated and recommended services, and preserves safety for inmates as well as staff. Without these essential items, the law and justice system holistically will not be able to be successful, compromising our community’s safety and well-being.
As we move forward, we will provide updates at council meetings, the county’s website, and other focused public communication, outreach and engagement opportunities. For more information you can listen to Council’s discussion and see the presentation materials.
Budget – General Fund
With an adopted expense budget of $223.7 million, the General Fund is one of the largest funds in Clark County, has no restrictive uses, and the majority of it supports law and justice. While Clark County strives to maintain high-quality public safety, infrastructure, and services, similar to other local governments, the county is encountering a situation where revenues are not keeping pace with the rising cost of providing essential services in the community, resulting in a structural deficit in the General Fund for the past few years. It was noted during the December 4, 2024, Annual Budget Public Hearing that the county would be embarking on budget and policy discussions starting in January which will enable the Clark County Council to have thoughtful and intentional discussions and provide policy direction that would be included in the 2026 budget process – those discussions have been taking place and will continue. For additional information, on the 2025 annual budget, including the General Fund, please see the presentation materials and discussion from the December 6, Public Hearing. Learn more with these budget FAQs.
Service Spotlight – Community Development Learning Lab
After a highly successful inaugural series in 2024, the 2025 monthly Community Development Learning Lab series is underway. The community is invited to join Community Development experts on a variety of topics ranging from code enforcement, development inspections, accessory dwelling unit processes, to dog and cat preventative care. Visit the Community Development Learning Lab website for a list of all the topics and for more information. And if you missed the 2024 Learning Lab sessions, the recorded discussions are available in the Learning Lab Library.
How to get involved
Do you have an interest or passion in helping our community or want to learn more about county projects? Whether you are interested in joining an advisory board or commission, providing feedback on specific projects or to the Clark County Council, or sharing the invocation at a Council meeting, visit the county’s website to see opportunities to become involved and learn more about county services.
Future newsletters will include topics such as:
- More information on the county’s budget
- More information on the law and justice
- 2025 Comprehensive Plan Update
- Space planning
- Clean Water