East Fork Hills Rural

River scenery

East Fork Hill Rural Association was formed in April 1994 with a mission to promote, maintain and enhance the rural character and quality of life in Clark County. Some of their shared concerns are rural development, and protection of the east fork of the Lewis River and neighboring environment.

Neighborhood Sheriff Liaison
To be assigned soon - contact Kasey Frasier at kasey.frasier@clark.wa.gov 

Call 3-1-1 to report non-life-threatening activity
Call 9-1-1 for fire and emergency

Report property crimes at:

You also may leave information or report suspected criminal activity at one of the Sheriff's two Tip Lines. You can remain anonymous.
Sheriff's Office Tip Line - 564.397.2847

Drug Task Force Tip Line - 564.397.6017
Si tienes información sobre drogas puedes dejar su mensaje aquí en español.  Su información será confidencial.

Neighborhood Fire Station
Clark County Fire & Rescue - Station 21
911 N. 65th Ave., Ridgefield WA 98642


Neighborhood Association Officers
Rob Heaney

Val Alexander



Social Media
Facebook icon   Twitter icon  





East Fork Hills Rural