Burn ban remains in place, hazardous fire conditions persist countywide

Published Date

Vancouver, Wash. ‒ As wildfire smoke and ash blanket the region, the Clark County Fire Marshal reminds residents that a ban on most all recreational fires remains in place countywide until further notice.

Also, the state Department of Natural Resources Tuesday banned all burning ‒ including campfires in fire pits and the use of charcoal briquettes ‒ on all DNR lands statewide through the end of September.

In the unincorporated area, recreational fires and outdoor burning of any kind are prohibited. Charcoal or gas-fueled cooking devices continue to be allowed.

Fire Marshal Jon Dunaway reminds county residents to be extra cautious of fire hazards when vegetation is so dry and volatile and the winds continue to spread wildfires east of Clark County in both Washington and Oregon.

“These conditions are extraordinarily dangerous, and I urge all Clark County residents to be more vigilant than usual,” Dunaway said. “If you smoke, don’t use planter boxes on your patio to extinguish your smoking materials, consider having a container of water on hand to extinguish your tobacco products, and be sure to use your vehicle ashtray while driving.

“Please be careful using any equipment that could produce a spark and catch nearby vegetation or a home on fire,” he said. “If you use power equipment outdoors, keep an eye on the area for at least 30 minutes after you’re finished to be sure a fire isn’t smoldering when you leave.”

Dunaway said the fire ban will remain in place until the region receives substantial rains that could ease fire conditions.

Meanwhile, he urges county residents to clear leaves and other vegetation from roofs, gutter, porches and decks, and take out dead plants and trees and other flammable materials within 10 feet of a home. Keep grass watered or cut it short and remove the cuttings for disposal.


Jon Dunaway
Fire Marshal
Community Development
360.397-2375 ext. 4116