(1) Appointment and Term. The term of Presiding Judge is to be two (2) years in duration. The Presiding Judge shall be elected by a majority of the sitting Judges on or before October 31st of each year so that notice of election may be given pursuant to GR 29. The Presiding Judge may be re-elected for additional terms. (Effective September 01, 2002)
(2) Duties.
(a) The Presiding Judge will act as Chief Administrative Judge and will see that policy of the Court, as determined by a majority of the Judges, is implemented by the Court Administrator.
(b) The Presiding Judge will call meetings of the Court and preside over said meetings.
(c) The Presiding Judge will adopt and implement a Court schedule with the consent of the majority of the Judges.
(d) The Presiding Judge will be the spokesperson for the Court in response to media inquiries.
(e) The Presiding Judge will be responsible for long range planning.
(f) The Presiding Judge will be responsible for relations with other elected officials, and other duties consistent with GR 29. (Effective 09-01-02)
(g) All major policy decisions will require the approval of a majority of the Judges; however, the Presiding Judge will be responsible for overseeing the budget, implementation of new technologies and the administrative function of the Court. The Presiding Judge may delegate any of his/her responsibilities to other Judges and create departments or committees to handle complex problems or functions as he or she sees fit.
(2) Assistant Presiding Judge. The judges shall elect an Assistant Presiding Judge in the same manner as the Presiding Judge. The Assistant Presiding Judge shall serve as Acting Presiding Judge, assuming the duties of the Presiding Judge, during the absence or incapacity or upon the request of the Presiding Judge and shall perform such further duties as the Presiding Judge shall direct. The Assistant Presiding Judge shall have the same status as all other sitting Judges with regard to duties and assignments by the Presiding Judge and eligibility to be elected Presiding Judge.
(3) Vacancies.
(a) Presiding Judge. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Presiding Judge prior to the completion of the two-year term of the Presiding Judge, the Assistant Presiding Judge shall serve as Presiding Judge for the remainder of the unexpired term.
(b) Assistant Presiding Judge. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Assistant Presiding Judge prior to the completion of the two-year term of the Assistant Presiding Judge, a new Assistant Presiding Judge shall be elected at the next regularly scheduled judges meeting for the remainder of the unexpired term.
(c) Removal. The Presiding and the Assistant Presiding Judge may be removed by a majority vote of the judges after noting the issue on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled judges meeting.
[Amended September 1, 2018]