(1) Mandatory Pretrial Hearing.
(a) In all cases in which a defendant has entered a plea of not guilty, a pretrial hearing shall be set approximately 45 days after arraignment. Said hearing shall provide an opportunity for plea negotiations, omnibus, resolution of discovery issues, and trial setting. Following the hearing, if a plea is not negotiated, an order shall be entered setting forth the following: (i) discovery schedule, (ii) date and nature of pretrial motions, (iii) date of readiness hearing, (iv) date of trial and (v) time for filing witness lists.
(b) The prosecuting attorney/city attorney, defense attorney, and defendant shall be required to attend the pretrial hearing. Failure to attend may result in the issuance of a bench warrant and/or forfeiture of any bail or bond.
(2) Readiness Hearing. The prosecuting attorney/city attorney, defense attorney and defendant shall appear in court on the date scheduled for readiness hearing to confirm their readiness to proceed with the scheduled trial. In the event the defendant fails to appear, the jury shall be canceled, a bench warrant may be issued, bail or bond may be forfeited, and costs may be imposed at the discretion of the court. In the event the defendant waives the jury trial subsequent to the readiness hearing, costs may be imposed at the discretion of the court.
[Amended September 1, 2018; Amended September 1, 2021]